Auglýst eftir umsóknum í miðstýrð Erasmus+ verkefni í flokknum KA2


Framkvæmdastjórn Evrópusambandsins hefur auglýst umsóknarfresti miðstýrðra Erasmus+ verkefna í flokki KA2 á sviði nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlaverkefna milli mennta- og þjálfunarstofnana, starfsgreina og atvinnulífs.

Mobility of apprentices (long duration)

Umsóknarfrestur: 29. mars 2017
Nánari upplýsingar

Stutt kynning (á ensku):

The Pilot Project's overall aim is to test the viability of setting up "A European framework for (long-term) mobility of apprentices", enabling young apprentices to develop their skills and enhance employability, while strengthening their sense of European citizenship.

Three main objectives will guide the actions financed under this call for proposals:

  • assess to what extent demand exists among relevant stakeholders for developing long-term (6 to 12 months) transnational apprentice mobility schemes, and the uptake of such schemes;

  • identify obstacles (legal, practical, institutional, academic, etc.) that prevent apprentices from carrying out longer-term stays abroad;

  • identify and disseminate good practices and success factors for long-term work placements for apprentices.

Vefstofa um verkefnaflokkinn verður haldið 22. febrúar.

Erasmus+ Call for Sector Skills Alliances (including a new activity on "Sectoral Blueprint")

Umsóknarfrestur: 2. maí 2017

Nánari upplýsingar


Stutt kynning (á ensku):

The call is organised into three lots:

Lot 1 - Sector Skills Alliances for skills needs identification, aimed at identifying and providing detailed evidence on skills needs, and gaps in a given specific economic sector.

Lot 2 - Sector Skills Alliances for design and delivery of VET, aimed at responding to identified skills gaps and needs in a specific economic sector, by developing curricula, as well as teaching and training delivery methodologies.

Lot 3 - Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (“Blueprint”) to sectoral cooperation on skills will support the implementation of the “Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills” by developing a fully-fledged sectoral skills strategy, leading to systemic and structural impact on reducing skills shortages, gaps and mismatches, as well as ensuring appropriate quality and levels of skills to support growth, innovation and competitiveness in the sector.

Landskrifstofa menntahluta Erasmus+ veitir upplýsingar og ráðgjöf en öll formleg samskipti vegna þessara verkefna eru við EACEA - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Kynnið ykkur málið nánar !


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